Most of the time I’m a fighter. Whatever comes my way I simply refuse to accept defeat. I refuse to quit.
I think fighting is good. I think it’s important to continue to hold onto hope and do whatever you can to keep going, but sometimes you just get too tired to fight. Sometimes I feel too tired to fight.
The last two weeks I’ve been in the middle of a relapse. The kind of MS I have means that I have periods of remission where some of my symptoms get better, but I also periodically have attacks or relapses that cause symptoms to flareup, or new symptoms to arise. MS is always challenging, but during a relapse it’s exhausting, frustrating, and discouraging.
Usually when I’m experiencing a low time I turn on worship music and just let it play until I’m reminded of God’s love and majesty, but with this relapse affecting my hearing, I couldn’t listen to music without immense frustration. I needed to find something else to remind me of my purpose.
As I lay discouraged on my bed a few days ago I stared at the words “Be Still” framed above my headboard. I wanted nothing more than to just be still.
In the Bible there’s this story of Moses, a guy who had been instructed by God to lead his people, who had been the slaves of the Egyptians for more than 400 years, into freedom. As they leave Egypt, the Egyptians come after them and the people become scared and get frustrated with Moses because they’re scared they are going to die in the desert. After explaining to them that God will see them through he says to them, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14

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In the moments that I am discouraged, frustrated and scared of what’s ahead, I need to remember the things that God has promised me. I need to be still; take my hands off and let Him fight for me. It’s not that I’m giving up, but I’m choosing to put my life in the one who can control far more than I could ever understand.
When you’re too tired to keep fighting, Be Still. Let Him fight for you.