May 27, 2015


Roasted Salsa

A few months ago we were making salsa from raw veggies, and don’t get me wrong, it was good, but when we started roasting our vegetables, our salsa hit a whole ‘notha level! If you’ve never tried roasted salsa, go fire up the BBQ! 


This salsa is packed with vegetables! Green, yellow, red, purple! It’s got it all!

Roasted Salsa packed with vegetbales!

Next to his Vegan Oatmeal Banana Cookies (here), this is my husband Clark’s favourite thing to make. It may be because he has what I would consider a pretty serious addiction to chips, and this salsa goes perfectly with our favourite tortilla chips, Neal Brohters Blue Tortillas with Flax Seeds. So good!

Roasted Salsa

When roasting your veggies, turn your BBQ on high and roast them for about 10-15 minutes. They should have black grill marks on them and your veggies should all blister and soften. If they look like they’re getting too burnt, turn down the heat or take them off the grill a little early. 

Roasted Salsa

Once you’re finished grilling you can let them cool for a few minutes before adding them to the food processor if you’d like. The order you add your ingredients is important! Add the hot peppers first, then the onion. Next add in the bell peppers and poblano pepper, and finally add in the tomatoes! I asked Clark the secret to a good roasted salsa, and he says it’s adding the tomatoes last.

Also, if you’re sensitive to spice, make sure you seed your hot peppers first, or your salsa will be spicy!

Once everything is chopped in the food processor, add in the lime juice, and salt! 

Roasted Salsa

But seriously, look at that salsa!

 Dig in!

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Prep Time
30 min
Prep Time
30 min
  1. 1 large jalapeno
  2. 2 red fresno peppers (use any hot peppers if you have a hard time finding either of these)
  3. 1 small red onion
  4. 1 poblano pepper
  5. 3 bell peppers
  6. 4 tomatoes
  7. juice from 1 lime
  8. 1 tsp of salt (or more or less to taste)
  1. Pre-heat BBQ to high heat.
  2. Add all vegetables and roast for 10-15 minutes or until charred and blistered.
  3. Remove from BBQ and let cool for a few minutes.
  4. Remove seeds from hot peppers (unless you like it really spicy) and puncture tomatoes with a knife and drain the excess juices (this will help make your salsa less watery).
  5. Add the jalapeno and cayenne peppers to the food processor and process for about 30 seconds or until minced. You want the pieces to be pretty small.
  6. Add in the onion and continue to process for about 30 seconds.
  7. Add in the poblano and bell peppers and process until peppers are coarsely chopped.
  8. Add in the tomatoes last and process for about 15 seconds, or until tomatoes are chopped. The longer you process the tomatoes, the less chunky your salsa will be.
  9. When all the vegetables are finished add in the lime juice and the salt.
  10. Mix and enjoy with your favourite tortilla chips, mixed with rice, or on your favourite tacos or fajitas!
In Everything


May 13, 2015


A few months ago Clark was going through some old files and he came across a donation receipt with my name on it from 2007 for $40 for the MS Walk. I made that donation before I ever knew how MS would affect me. To be honest, at that point I really had no clue what MS even was. (If you haven’t heard my MS story yet, you can read it here: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.) 

On Sunday, May 24th 2015, I’m walking in my first ever MS Walk. I’ve set a goal to try and raise $1000 in the next 10 days to go towards finding a cure for MS.

You can follow this link ( to take you directly to my support page to make a donation!


Canada has one of the highest rates of MS in the world, and I think Canadians can play a huge part in raising money for further research! Funds raised from the walk also help to support those living with MS in our own communities, many who are no longer able to work. 

Thanks for supporting me as I walk!!


April 18, 2015


It’s been 6 weeks since I finished my first 5-day round of LEMTRADA infusions to treat MS. Crazy! I sometimes forget that just 6 weeks ago I could barely move, let alone function normally! I’ve come a long way! (You can read about treatment and my experience with MS here.)

Life has been so busy the past few weeks as I’m trying to catch up on the time I was away from work. I barely remember to update social media, let alone that I have a blog to update, so I’m sorry I’ve been a little M.I.A.! 

Let me bring you up to speed!

The two questions I get most often are, “so, how do you feel?” and “did it work?” So, to answer the first, and most commonly asked question, I feel amazing! To be honest, there are days lately that I almost feel normal. I’ve been working out regularly at the gym, and I’ve been training for that half marathon that I intend to run later this year. I was so excited a few weeks ago when I was able to run 15km! Honestly, I never thought in a million years I’d be running so far, so quickly, but I did it! But it get’s better!

Yesterday Clark and I planned to go to the gym in the evening, but what we didn’t realize was that our gym closes at 5pm on Saturday! Apparently we’re the only losers really cool people who like to work out on a Saturday night? Anyway, we went over to our local outdoor stadium to run stairs! It’s been close to nine months since I’ve even attempted to run stairs, as stairs were one of the hardest things for me when it came to my mobility over the last few months. I was almost able to keep up with Clark and it felt so good to know that I had returned to something I thought may be out of reach for me! So exciting!


But, the really exciting news comes after our run today! We’ve labelled Sundays, Sunday Run-Day, and have dedicated Sunday afternoon/evening to completing our long run for the week. As part of our half marathon training we run 5-10km a few days a week, and on the weekends we push ourselves to see how far we can go. Today we ran… are you ready for this? … 22 km!! That’s more than the distance of a half marathon!

Now, I should mention that I’m absolutely exhausted and I can barely move, but if someone told me 6 weeks ago, or even 3 months ago that I’d be running 22km by April, I would have thought they were crazy! My goal was to the defy the odds this year, and I really believe that with supernatural strength from Heaven, I’m going to show the world that my God has me in His hands every day. 

Running necessities

To answer the second question, at this point it’s too early say if the treatment “worked” or not. That will be evident in the next few years as my MRI’s are monitored to ensure there’s no new damage in my brain and spinal cord. At this point I can only go off the absence of new relapses and how I feel; and so far I’m relapse-free and I feel great! That’s a good sign! 

I’ve also received my first round of lab work. For the next five years they will monitor my blood and urine for any side effects from the Lemtrada, as well they are keeping track of where my white blood cell count is. Below is my first month results, and as you can see, my white blood cells are still slightly below the range they should be, and my lymphocytes are also quite low. Apparently this is normal for someone at the stage of recovery I’m at. It will likely take a few more months before my white blood cells and lymphocytes are within normal range and my immune system begins to function normally.

Month 1 blood sample

Overall, I am so glad I decided to move forward with Lemtrada. It’s already changing my quality of life and I’m so optimistic that it’s altered the course of my disease! Thanks again for following along with my journey! I’m happy to answer any treatment or recovery questions you may have if you comment below! 


March 28, 2015


This phrase keeps popping up lately, “You got this.” It became my mantra after Clark bought me a t-shirt stating the phrase, and during my week of treatment (You can read about that here),  it was echoed by friends and family who were cheering me on!YOUGOTTHIS - lockscreen

Sometimes when things get hard I want to quit. It’s a lot easier to give up than to push through. Whether I’m struggling to keep up, pushing the final few hundred meters of a run or facing my unknown future, I just keep telling myself, “You got this.” 

I often change my tech backgrounds to remind myself of little truths I need to let sink in. I thought I’d share one of my favourite little phrases with you. You can download this graphic for your desktop, phone, or tablet by clicking on the links below! Enjoy! 



YOUGOTHIS - desktop





March 24, 2015


It’s hard to believe that just two weeks ago I could barely stand and now I’ve almost returned to life as normal! On March 2nd 2015 I began 5 days of the Lemtrada infusions to treat MS, and I’m currently going on my third week of recovery! You can read the whole story here.  

Last week I returned to work after two full weeks off and although I had a hard time making it through the entire day without a nap, I was still back! I work at a college, and last week there were quite a few viruses going around, so I encouraged students to keep their distance as I tried to protect my very weak immune system from intruders. I lasted the entire week without getting sick, and Friday morning I was able to resume my place in the classroom teaching! It felt so good! 

Friday also marked the beginning of our annual leadership conference at Summit. Again, I was nervous about the potential of getting sick, but the conference, called More, is one of my favourite things we do at the college. I was also scheduled to speak for two of the four main sessions, on Saturday night and again on Sunday morning. I always have a stool ready in case I need to sit while I’m speaking, but for both messages I was able to speak standing the whole time! If you’re interested, you can listen to recordings from the conference here. (Photos from #more15 by James Bak)

More 15

More 15

Speaking at More 15 at Summit Pacific College

Yesterday I had my first post-treatment appointment with my neurologist at UBC in Vancouver. He assured me although it’s a very aggressive treatment option, Lemtrada was definitely the right choice for treatment for me at this stage in my disease. He said I’m doing very well and he expects that once I have my final round of infusions in 12 months, I should not see additional new MS symptoms for 15 years. I am incredibly hopeful and truly believe that this treatment is going to change my life. 

My energy levels feel almost normal and I’m feeling much stronger. Yesterday I went back to the gym for the first time and I ran for 42 minutes without stopping! It may not seem like much, but considering I could hardly stand 2 weeks ago, I’m pretty excited! 


Celebrating a good report from the neurologist!

I’ve also had quite a few questions over the last few weeks, so I’ll attempt to answer them the best I can:

Q: So, what exactly did this treatment do? 

A: Basically, the treatment reset my immune system by binding to and depleting the immune cells (white blood cells) that are currently attacking the myelin coating on the nerves in my brain and spinal cord. Normally white blood cells are good because they attack bacteria and sickness in our bodies; but with autoimmune diseases like MS, the white blood cells are mistakingly attacking the brain and spinal cord. Now that this round of infusions is complete, all of the white blood cells in my body have been killed off and my body is now going to be working hard for the next few months to regenerate new cells they are less active against the myelin (nerve coating in my brain and spinal cord), ultimately reducing my relapses and slowing the progression of the disease. If all goes well, my body will produce new immune cells that will only attack sickness and infection instead of my central nervous system!

Q: Are all your symptoms gone now?

A: Unfortunately, no. I still have all of the same symptoms. My left ear is still partially deaf, my head still vibrates when I bite down, my arms are still numb, I still have buzzing in my legs, and I still feel an electric shock when I touch my chin to my chest. All of the same symptoms are still there. However, the neurologist said about 50% of people experience a decrease in their symptoms after about 1 or 2 years, once their brain and spine have had a chance to heal. So, although I don’t feel different yet, I’m still hopeful!

Q: Lemtrada seems like a very intense treatment option. Why did you choose such an agressive treatment? 

A: That’s easy. Multiple Sclerosis is a disease without a cure. It almost always gets worse and not better, and when you look into the future of someone with MS there are so many unknowns. Although I’m near the beginning of my disease, I already have “a pretty good handful” of lesions and in the last 10 months I’ve had 4 relapses. There are people who have it far worse, but I knew that I needed to be active in doing something to stop the progression of the disease before it progressed too far. Both Clark and I, and my neurologist agreed that for me, aggressive treatment was the best option. 

Q: Do you have to take any more medication?

A: For one month after the infusion I have to take anti-viral drugs to make up for my depleted immune system. But as for medication to treat MS, this is it! I will have one more infusion in 12 months, then I’m good for 15 years!

Q: You keep mentioning another infusion in 12 months. Do you have to have another infusion?

A: In 12 months I will go back in for 3 more day of consecutive infusions to finish off the treatment. Once that infusion is finished I should be finished the treatment! However, about 20% have a relapse after their second treatment and need to have a third infusion. I’m not anticipating that, but it does happen! 

Q: How will you know when your immune system is working again?

A: For the next 5 years I have to have to give blood and urine samples every month so they can monitor my health and screen for potential serious side effects. I have my first set of tests in a week, but I expect that it will take about 4 – 6 months until my immune system is healthy again!

I’m happy to try and answer any other questions you have!

I’ll continue to update monthly for the next few months, but so far, so good! 


March 13, 2015


One week ago today I finished my final Lemtrada infusion (You can follow my infusion journey here). During infusion week I had slight tremors in my hands, a little weakness in my legs, blurred vision, slight heaviness in  my chest and an abnormally low heart-beat, but for the most part, I felt a million times better than I thought I would! It was the “after-math” that I was unprepared for!

It’s hard to put into words how my body has felt the past week. It felt like everything good in my body had been sucked out, and my body was fighting for dear life just to stay alive. I know that sounds extreme, but I don’t know how else to explain it. The first weekend I couldn’t hold up my own body weight to sit. I barely had the energy to eat, not to mention I was extremely nauseous and couldn’t keep food down. I couldn’t even stand long enough to brush my teeth or fill a cup full of water. Really, I was brushing my teeth from my knees. I had no idea how I was going to make it.

post Infusion

By Monday I felt stronger. I was able to walk around the house on my own strength and even take a shower! Ambitious to make a quick recovery I convinced Clark to take me for a walk to the bookstore, less than 3/4 of a kilometre from our home. He agreed and we began to slow journey around the corner. By the time we arrived at the bookstore, I was wiped. I had to sit because I thought I was going to pass out. Once we made it back home I crawled onto my bed and didn’t move for the rest of the day. Maybe a quick recovery needed to come by way of rest instead of pushing my boundaries. 


Tuesday I was forced to stay put, so I parked myself on my balcony for the day and enjoyed the sunny 17 degree weather outside! It was nice to be outside, but what I was craving was human interaction! I absolutely love being with people, so by Tuesday I was going a little nuts. I needed to get out! I scheduled a coffee date Wednesday with a friend, optimistic that I could handle sitting upright for at least an hour. I made it through coffee on Wednesday morning, but that resulted in sleeping the afternoon away as soon as I got home. It seemed like I would pay for every effort to do something besides sleep and eat. 

On Wednesday evening I decided that if my body couldn’t handle walking, maybe it could handle yoga, or at least a good stretch! I do yoga strictly for the physical training, not mediation and my favourite way to get a good yoga routine in at home is the app (you can check it out here). It has number of different routines ranging from beginner to advanced and cost only a few dollars. You can also change the background music to suit your style, which I love. I did a beginner stretching routine to ease myself back into it, and it was perfect for where I’m at right now! Gave me lots of time to rest between stretches! 

Post-infusion Yoga

I can’t even explain how much better I felt Thursday! I was able to do another simple yoga routine, and I ventured outside! I needed to pick up a Bridal shower gift, so I went to do that and I also did my first post-infusion grocery shop! By the time I was finished at the grocery store, I was wiped, but I did it! Progress! My nurse also called to see how I was doing and assured me that the extreme fatigue I had been experiencing was perfectly normal. 

That brings us to today, Friday! Today I cleaned the floors, washed my bedding, made lunch, did another yoga routine and enjoyed the sunshine on the balcony! Yoga is really helping to regain my strength without exhausting my body. I still feel great, and no nap today! I think I’m almost ready to return to life as normal! 

Thanks again for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers this past week. I know I’ve said it a million times, but I’ blown away at the support I’ve felt over the last 2 weeks! I see my neurologist again in a week Monday, and I’ll be giving blood and urine samples every month for the next 5 years to monitor by health. I’m hopeful this treatment is going work! I’ll keep you posted!




March 6, 2015


It feels a little surreal to be writing this, but I am officially finished my first round of Lemtrada infusion treatment for MS! 

I have to admit, I was feeling a little weary this morning. It was more than just a physical fatigue, I was just tired. I felt weak, my eyes were swollen, my vision was blurry and my skin started to break out in a rash on my arms, face and chest. I just kept reminding myself, “only one more day.”

Lemtrada - Day 5 |

God must have known that I needed a little victory today because my IV was still usable!  Yay! They also decided not to give me a Gravol and Benadryl drip today because of my low heart rate yesterday (low 40’s), but my heart rate and blood pressure  were still a little lower than normal again. Most likely a side effect of the Lemtrada. The nurse must have been concerned because she woke me up at one point to make sure I was still conscious! 

Lemtrada - Day 5 |

I also had a few visitors today, so that made the afternoon fly by, and before I knew it, the nurse was removing my IV for the last time! I was finished! I AM FINISHED! Well, at least until my next treatment in 12 months! 

Lemtrada - Day 5 |

This first round of five infusions are finished, but now the real work begins. As the nurse explained it to me, my white blood cell army has just been taken out and I now have nothing working on the front lines to fight off invaders. I am extremely susceptible to infections and sickness for the next few months until my cells have a chance to regenerate and my immune system begins to work normally. Basically I have to avoid sick people, be overly cautious about how my food is prepared, and wash and sanitize everything! Hopefully everything works as it should and I have a healthy body again soon!

Lemtrada - Day 5 |

 These last five days have been challenging, but so life-giving for me! The words of encouragement, support and prayers have really shown me what it means to have people in your corner, fighting alongside you. I am blown away at the way that people have rallied around Clark and I throughout this journey. Thank you. Please continue to pray when we come to mind, this battle isn’t over yet!

DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3 | DAY 4 


March 5, 2015


I can’t believe I’ve already finished 4 days of my Lemtrada treatment for MS! It’s flying by faster than I anticipated, but I don’t mind at all! Only one more day to go!

Today started off on a sad note. When we got to the clinic this morning, Shazal, one of the other guys who is also getting Lemtrada this week, reported that he had been awake all night coughing up blood. Unfortunately they had to rush him for chest x-rays and he won’t be able to resume treatment until Monday, or until his condition improves. We definitely missed his presence at the clinic today, as he is so full of joy and life! If you think of it, please pray that he’s feeling better soon. He’s already been through a number of other treatments and can’t seem to catch a break. 

Lemtrada infusion - Day 4 -

As for me, I had to get my IV line changed again this morning! We switched back over to the right arm, and four tries later, I had a new IV. Hopefully this one can last me until the end of the day Friday when I can get rid of it once and for all! 

The nurse checked my first vitals of the day just after she hooked up my IV and was fairly concerned that my heart rate was in the low 40 beats per minute (I’m normally in the mid 60’s). As a precaution, they continued to check my vitals every 15 minutes all day, until my heart finally returned to normal around 3:00pm. They seemed very concerned and even asked Clark not to leave the clinic all day because they wanted him close by in case they needed to transfer me over to the emergency room. A little scary!

Besides that, I’m feeling pretty good! I’m little more tired now that I’m off the steroids, but overall I feel much better than I thought I would be at this point. No fevers, nausea, rashes or other serious side effects! For that, I’m so grateful!

Lemtrada infusion - Day 4 -

I know I’ve said it a million times, but thank you so much for your prayers and support. I really believe that my success with this treatment has so much to do with prayer. I really feel like I’m being carried through by a God who loves me and a community that understands the role we can play in one another’s lives. It’s amazing. I don’t know how else to express my gratitude except to just say, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Your support means the world!

DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3 | DAY 5


March 4, 2015


Well, I’m officially past the half way mark! Only 2 days left to go of my 5 days of Lemtrada infusions! I was overjoyed today that my IV was still good this morning, so no new needles! The day starts so much better when you don’t feel like a pin cushion!

Lemtrada Infusion Day 3 -

I had a new nurse today, Monica, who is awesome. She’s so kind and compassionate and it’s evident that she really wants to make sure I’m comfortable and doing ok! I’ll have her as my nurse tomorrow as well, so I’m happy about that!

Lemtrada Infusion Day 3 -

Today passed by really quickly, probably because I slept for almost the entire day! They warned my that I may have trouble sleeping because of the steroids, but that hasn’t been the case for me at! I’m sleeping all night and for several hours during the day. No need for the sleeping pills they prescribed to help get rest. However, the steroids are causing me to retain water, so I look like I’ve gained a good 5lbs.

I also kept my winning streak alive as I dominated Clark in Dutch Blitz. Of course, he’s still blaming his loss on the fact that I’m on “performance enhancing drugs.” Whatever helps you sleep at night Clarky! Clark’s been making friends with the other two guys who are getting infusions. The one guy, Chazel, calls Clark “the cool guy” and asked to get a selfie with him today. I love it. 

Lemtrada Infusion Day 3 -

For the most part I had another great day! During the one hour observation period at the end of the day, I developed some slight tremors, but they pretty much passed within the hour. At the end of each day, after the Lemtrada is finished dripping, I have to stay to be monitored to make sure everything is A-OK. So far, so good!

Now that I’m home for the night, I also have a slight heaviness in my chest, but they warned me that that was pretty common. If there are any changes I’ll head over the emergency room, but I’m hopeful that it will pass. Keep praying though! I can use it!  I had my last dose of steroids today and the nurse warned me that many people experience more severe side effects (nausea, rashes, discomfort) once the steroids stop, but I’m still believing that prayer is stronger than steroids! Right? 

Lemtrada Infusion Day 3 -

To replace the steroids, tomorrow I will begin to receive Gravol and Benadryl by IV to manage some symptoms that may arise. I’ve been warned that these will knock me out, so I’m expecting to sleep the day away! 

Thanks again for your support and prayers. Clark and I both absolutely love reading all your comments, messages and encouragement. There is something special about knowing that a massive community is backing you! Thank you!!! Only 2 days to go!

Lemtrada Infusion Day 3 -

DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 4 | DAY 5


March 3, 2015


I woke up bright and early this morning to begin day two of five of my Lemtrada infusion! (You can read more about the treatment here and read my day one recap here). The nurse left my IV line in my right arm last night so I had to wrap it up tight with plastic wrap and bags this morning to protect it from the water of the shower. Unfortunately it turns out the efforts were unnecessary, as the line had clotted and needed to be moved back over to the left arm anyway! After a few failed attempts into my skinny little veins the nurse finally struck gold on the outside of my left arm! Success!

Lemtrada - Day 2 -

Besides the terrible metal-like taste in my mouth and moderate fatigue (I slept most of the morning), I’ve been virtually side-effect free! Honestly, I feel great! Although that may be the steroids talking. My temperature and blood pressure were perfect all day! Such good news! Prayer works! 

Lemtrada - Day 2 -

I was warned that because of the delay with my IV, I likely wouldn’t be the first patient finished today. Challenge accepted!  I came back from behind and was discharged first at 3:20pm! Apparently because I’m responding so well to the drugs I can take them in faster than the others. I don’t mind at all! In case you’re wondering, I’m totally not competitive at all. Really!

Unfortunately today was my final day with my nurse, Madonna, and tomorrow I will get a new nurse. She’s been amazing and is constantly going out of her way to make sure I’m comfortable. Thanks for everything Madonna!

I’m so grateful I brought my own blanket and pillow as it makes napping a lot more comfortable, as well I bring tons of snacks so I have options to choose from all day long. I’m also grateful I have Clark to keep me company. I totally beat him in Phase 10 today, and his excuse is that I’m on “performance enhancing drugs.” I guess he has a point!

Lemtrada - Day 2 -

Thanks again for all your messages and prayers! I can’t believe the amount of support we have! Please continue to pray! I truly believe it’s working! 


DAY 1 | DAY 3 | DAY 4 | DAY 5