I am 22 years old and I was just diagnosed with MS in the beginning of January this year. My first indication that something was wrong was double vision, and vertigo. I knew something was wrong, but ignored it for awhile just thinking I was over doing it at the gym. I took a step back from working out, but found that it did not help. One day, my arm and neck area went numb and I knew had to go in to see a doctor. I was officially diagnosed by a neurologist within 2 weeks of seeing my family physician.
It has been a very emotional time since then. I started with a steroid infusion which eventually eased into oral steroids of a weaker and waker dose. Of course I was and am determined not to slow down and pause my life due to this illness, so I stayed/still am in school. The steroid treatment helped my “worse” MS symptoms, but the numbness, tingly, and that feeling in my head is still present. I am getting another MRI in April and my treatment will be based on the presence or lack of activity.
My friend sent me the link to your blog and Im so glad she did. Your story has truly inspired me and given me hope that I can have a life and I shouldn’t consider this terrible disease as a death sentence. Like you, I have not told many people besides my closest friends. I hope that one day I will find the courage to tell the world. Thank you so much Kim.
Best wishes,
xo Sharon
The thing that comes into my mind is the principle of taking a penny and doubling it every day for 30 days. At the end of the month you’ll have more than 5 million dollars. That is the type of increase I’m seeing here. God bless you Kim, I love you and Clarke and appreciate God bringing you into my life.
Let me know if you need anything. Chris.